Proclaim the Truth of Jesus and Grow Mature Disciples for the Glory of God

Get Connected

Community Groups

Check out available groups and Register Here One of the best ways to get involved at the church, or to get to know more people, is by joining a Community Group. These are small groups of people from the church that meet regularly at houses or at the church. These groups work through a study that has been written based on what…

Bethel Equip

Bethel wants to equip you to GROW in your faith. Join Bethel Equip to deepen your understanding of doctrine and learn practical applications for your walk with Christ. Our classes will cover various essential topics, including doctrine, parenting, finance, evangelism, and apologetics. Feelings & Faith | January 5 – February 2Leader: Elder, Joe GreenwoodSupplemental Resources: Feelings & Faith  (copies available in the coffee house for…

Bethel KIDS

KIDS ON SUNDAY DURING THE WORSHIP GATHERING Bethel Kids Sundays at 10:15 AM. Remember to leave time for check-in.3rd through 5th graders begin in the sanctuary and are dismissed to their classes after worship. We have classrooms for the following age groups: Nursery (0-2), 2 yrs old – Pre-K (next to Nursery), K-2nd Grade in Cubbies Classroom and 3rd – 5th grade…


AWANA – STARTING SEPTEMBER 12, 2024 Every Thursday, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (excluding Holidays) AWANA is an acronym from 2 Timothy 2:15  — Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed. Awana is a ministry that helps parents and churches raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ. Kids enjoy playing fun games, memorizing Bible verses in an organized, topical system, and…

Bethel Youth

Junior High (6-8th graders) and High School (9 – 12th graders) Youth ministry exists to support and equip families to proclaim the truth of Jesus and grow mature disciples of the next generation for the glory of God! Instagram – Bethel Youth Wednesday Night Teaching Contact Pastor if you have any questions.

Senior Adult Ministry

Overview of Senior Adult Ministry This ministry provides an excellent opportunity for you to connect with others and with our Glorious God. We desire to study God’s word with you and join in prayer and fellowship.  Let us know how we can help you – Tuesday Morning Bible Study  – Check Back in Spring9:30 AM to 11:15 AM Come enjoy coffee…

Men’s Ministry

Overview of Men’s Ministry We provide diverse opportunities for men of all ages to connect with other men to dig deeper into God’s Word and provide accountability and support. We desire to Proclaim the Truth of Jesus and Grow Mature Disciples for the Glory of God! Contact the church office if you have any questions. Tuesdays, 6:30 PM with dinner and a…

Women’s Ministry

Overview of Women’s Ministry We provide diverse opportunities for women of all ages to connect with other women, study God’s Word, and encourage each other in love as they “do life” together while growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. We desire to help you find a place to study the Word of God and equip you to use the…

Coffee House

Get Connected We want you to feel connected to the community here, we have a team of church members who are available to talk to and meet in our Coffee House. It is located off the main hallway, next to the parking lot door. The Coffee House is open every Sunday before and after our Gatherings. Also on Wednesday & Thursday nights…

Serving Opportunities

However God has gifted you, we have various opportunities to serve: Contact a Team Leader for more details or click on the “Join a serving team” button below.